Exploring Corinth as a former international marketplace was exciting. This bustling city was a main crossroad as it sits between the Aegean Sea and Ionic sea. After being taken over by the Romans, entertainment was formalized in their theater (which was common w / Roman occupation). Among the ruins that have been excavated, we found an inscription in Latin on a stone from the first century declaring "Erastus as commissioner of public works". Erastus assisted Paul in his work in Corinth and across the region. It is revealing to see the text in the Bible revealed in this way.
In the afternoon, we journeyed back to Athens and hiked up to Mars Hill (
Ares Rock - god of Mars as named by the Romans) next to the Acropolis. The dramatic scene surrounding this hill is stunning: The Acropolis slightly elevated above w / the Parthenon and other temples glaring down at you, and below you have the temple of Zeus, the Agora and other temples to numerous gods. Mark Driscoll took us through the passage in Acts 17 and of interest, the parallel of what consumes life and time today is very similar. We can't wait to celebrate our next "American Idol", fame - an idol. People want wealth at all cost! People want pleasure and comfort - today found in porn, addictions (drugs, sports, food, keep up the list) and abuse of others. At one point, it was easier to find a god in Athens than a man. At the time that Paul visited Athens he spoke to the court that ruled over the religions of the day. He was able to tell them about Jesus in a way that it shook their world since they were only familiar with distant gods and not a creator God with whom they could have a relationship. As in Paul's experience when he contended for the exclusivity of Jesus - his life, death and resurrection - some believed and followed the way of Jesus, and in our day it is still the same as we speak about Jesus. A great day - It's all about Jesus.
In the afternoon, we journeyed back to Athens and hiked up to Mars Hill (
Corinth was spectacular! We saw Corinth Canal which was very deep, but not wide at all! We were able to have lunch at a quaint restaurant right on the canal. 
Also, the archeological excavation of the ancient city of Corinth was beyond unbelievable. So much has been discovered over the past 100 years, but so much more to be discovered over 100's of years to come. The Bema was a very special site to see.
We ended our day with Pastor Mark Driscoll speaking to us from Acts 17. This was on top of Mars Hill. - Which still has the inscription to "the unknown god".
Also, the archeological excavation of the ancient city of Corinth was beyond unbelievable. So much has been discovered over the past 100 years, but so much more to be discovered over 100's of years to come. The Bema was a very special site to see.
We ended our day with Pastor Mark Driscoll speaking to us from Acts 17. This was on top of Mars Hill. - Which still has the inscription to "the unknown god".
Woke up early and head out to Corinth. Our first stop was at the Corinth Canal. We were able to see a boat go threw the canal, which was very interesting to watch. Once we got to Corinth, we took a tour of the museum and then a tour of all the ancient remains of the city. I thought it was amazing to be able to see what was left of a city from 2,000 years ago. Later in the afternoon we were able to go on top of Mars Hill. While we where there, Mark Driscoll spoke on Acts 17.
One of the main things that he spoke that stood out to me was that during the time Paul was there, there were more idols than men! Im pretty sure he said there where 30,000 people living in the city of Athens. - That calls for a lot of false gods! After Mars Hill, we went back to our hotel, had dinner and headed to bed. Once again, it was a long but enjoyable day. (: (Mars Hill ->)
Early in the morning the next day we had breakfast only to find out that we actually had more time to wake up and eat. Because of this, after we ate we went back to bed for like two more hours. Once we started our day, we went to the National Archeological Museum. There were so many naked statues man! I don't think if ever seen so many naked statues in one museum. It was nice to visit all the prehistoric artifacts, but the naked statues I could've done with out. (; After this, we went to The Plaka, which is the Roman Agroa. (Market place.) We spent some time here, and then we headed to the Parliament building to watch the changing of the guards. After this we headed to the hotel to pack up for our early morning flight .- Next stop, Israel! (Hopefully if there happens to be statues here, they'll be fully dressed!) ! I don't think if ever seen so many naked statues in one museum. It was nice to visit all the prehistoric artifacts, but the naked statues I could've done with out. (; After this, we went to The Plaka, which is the Roman Agroa. (Market place.) We spent some time here, and then we headed to the Parliament building to watch the changing of the guards. After this we headed to the hotel to pack up for our early morning flight .- Next stop, Israel! (Hopefully if there happens to be statues here, they'll be fully dressed!)
In the morning we had to wake up really early to eat, get ready and leave for the bus to Corinth and got to see the Corinth canal. And I got to see one boat go through and then we go
t to eat right by the canal and sail boats came in. I had a Greek salad and it was not the salad leaves it was just cucumbers and tomatoes. After we ate we drove for about 10 minuets and went to a shop that had art and I got one with a guy holding a discus (coach Joan if you are reading this Im putting this on top of my picture of the track team). Then we went to the bus and drove for about an hour and we got to mars hill and we got to hear Mark Driscoll teach on Acts 17 the bad thing was the speaker for mine was not working but I heard most of it. On the bottom of mars hill there is the inscription on the sign that said TO THE UNKNOWN GOD!
The next morning we went to the restaurant in the hotel and after me and daddy ate and then we found out the first place we were going wasn't open till later so I took a nap until about 11. Then we went to walk to the laundry mat it took a long time to find it but it worked okay. Then we walked over to the museum and after that we ate. After that we went back to the hotel and Hannah and daddy went to the laundry mat and got ready for the airport and then we ate dinner and then left for the airport. And that is where I am right now and tomorrow we will do the next day.
What a blessing for you to be in Corinth. I rejoice as I see your pictures and think of all that is becoming so real and tangible to you all. How Great is our God!
ReplyDeleteLoved the pic of Mark reading the Greek sign. I was wishing i could read greek so that i could read it off the pic.
Love you guys and I am enjoying trekking with you in spirit and in prayer.
Your brother, Jorge